Friday, September 3, 2010

The Interview

I went on an interview on Tuesday.  It was the first interview I had been on in a year.  I thought it went well.  The company is cool, but they don't pay well.  It was funny how they mentioned that they have bagel Friday's - it seemed like a big deal to them.  I guess if I hadn't worked for a place that fed you breakfast and lunch for free everyday, I would have been impressed by that.  I read in my horoscope that I should not to accept any new positions until after the 12th of September.  Mercury being in retrograde and all....Anyway - I am on a 3 week assignment back at the big Hollywood studio.  I won't be able to accept anything until the end of September.  Positive thoughts that the perfect job will come through for me!


  1. Just sent a buttload of positive thoughts your way. Not sure if positive thoughts coming out of the butt is a good thing, but hey - positive is positive!

    Hope you're well darlin'. If that "big hollywood studio" is close by then you know you are always invited over for lunch.
